Wednesday, December 3, 2014

It's Rainy; We're Busy...

... and today's set is pretty short (almost all direct-to-us submissions, however).  Maybe we'll add a few more later on in the day, but really, who knows?  Blame the rain. 

Mortgage Bankers AssociationCommunications Manager – min. 5-7 years experience at PR firm, trade association, corporate setting, or on Capitol Hill/campaigns required; knowledge of real estate finance & financial services issues, as well as legislative and regulatory process, is strongly preferred. 

Data Transparency Coalition, advocate for the private sector & the public interest for the publication of government info as standardized, machine-readable data, is in search mode for a Director of Development with 4+ years relevant development/sales experience, as well as a background securing gifts or donations in the $10k-$50k range.

Hillenby, an Old Town-based strategic communications firm, seeks recent grad candidates with experience in n communications, PR and/or social media for Intern opportunity – $10/hr

We have it on good authority that the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition is still actively seeking candidates for their Veterans Outreach Manager (scroll down) opportunity – familiarity and demonstrated experience in an outreach role with the military/veteran community and/or military background along with issue advocacy/campaign

The Akilah Institute for Women is a college in Rwanda and Burundi that offers market-relevant education to low-income women – your place in this undertaking would be as Director of Capital & Growth, developing & implementing an ambitious fundraising campaign – New York or San Francisco, CA – search managed by ReWork – apply by Dec. 15

Wholesome Wave
seeks Policy Associate (scroll down) for research & policymaker outreach in support of their work increasing the availability of fresh, locally-sourced foods to underserved communities – apply by Dec. 13

Capitol Hill
Mystery association, Arlington-basedWeb Content Copywriter – grasp on the composites industry deemed a plus – search managed by Creative Circle

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