Friday, November 20, 2009

Going Rogue?

At the start of this cheerful week, we clued you in on some new/recent opportunities with the American Institute of Architects – but wait, there’s more new stuff – an Executive Assistant to the CEO posting, and a rarely-seen preview run of coming attractions:
The Virginia Chamber of Commerce is giving you until January 4 to make your case for the President & CEO position, but do you really want to have that hanging over your head the whole New Years extended weekend? Expanded job description info here. Richmond, Va., of course.

We count a dozen Intern opportunities listed here with PBS this Spring – most look pretty interesting and excellent. They must be firing a bunch of people there to make room for all the free labor.*

The pharma-pholk at Baxter are looking for a genuine team player to serve as Legal Admin Assistant for the govt. affairs department.

We won’t dispute TRUSTe’s claim to the leading internet privacy services provider crown; we’re sure they could sell our bank account info to some guys in Kazakhstan in about four keystrokes if we pissed them off. Check out their Senior Policy Advisor posting; knowledge of privacy frameworks, laws and regulations, and privacy policy-related issues – domestic & international – are required.

Put that PhD to work as an Assistant Professor of Public Policy at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va. Tenure-track, pleasant Shenandoah Valley locale, Aug. 2010 start date – what more could you want?

Staying on the college-beat – this Development Assistant (search position 01412z) slot with George Mason University sports an unusually broad $30k-$64k salary band. Apply by Dec. 4

At no time in recent history, has the opportunity to undermine the social influence of militancy and enhance stability in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province been greater. And your work as Project Coordinator on the Transnational Crisis Project Frontier Digital Gazette project will surely tip the balances for the forces of good. Pop-centric Affairs & Market Insurrection and swarming response + semi-independent cell structure – well, it all sounds spectacularly important and exciting to us.

National Migrant & Head Start AssociationExecutive Director – apply by Nov. 30

The American Majority seeks to build a national network of leaders advocating for more individual/market freedom – and they’re shopping for a leader, too, to serve as National Executive Director. Purcellville, Va. location. Talent Market is on the case.

A well-known conservative is looking for a Writer to help him/her with national ideological/political projects. It couldn’t be _________, could it? Nah, probably not.

We last visited with the ONE Campaign Crew in early October. Recent additions to their complete list of opportunities would seem to include:
For your far-flung-Friday wants and needs: Georgia World Congress AuthorityPublic Relations Specialist, Georgia Dome – Atlanta, GA – $29k-$40k

Yeah, yeah – we know your friends will tease you about your work stealing kidneys from drunken tourists, but don’t let that put you off joining the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations as an Executive Assistant. Search managed by the sharp gang at Staffing Advisors.

We don’t know what Agent Zero would think of other Zero Agents operating in his town, but Georgetown, George Mason & James Madison students have until Nov. 29 to sign on for this probably-not-really-dangerous guerilla marketing internship. This blog will self-destruct in five seconds.

Your job-search resource to close out the week: job listings of the Chicago-area and national varieties from marketing, advertising, PR & communications search firm Bloom, Gross & Associates.

* almost certainly not true - but if it is, we've got you covered here at Your Favorite Public Affairs Jobs Resource

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